ARVO fail and Vegas Weekend

I am attending ARVO in a few weeks and am super excited about it. I haven’t gone to an ARVO conference since college. It is the largest ophthalmology conference in the world so it’s a lot of fun and most presentations are interesting/relevant to what I am doing. As part of the program, there is a Thesis in Three competition where you make three powerpoint slides on your research and narrate it to a broad audience for 3 min. I had worked super hard on my presentation because winner get an all-expense trip to next year’s conference but alas, I was told they never received my powerpoint. Thus, my presentation wasn’t even judged. As disappointed as I am about this, I did learn a valuable lesson (one I should have known): you must ALWAYS confirm your submissions! I am glad that this wasn’t my residency application or something more important! Ok. That aside, I went to vegas this weekend with Dave and his family and it was super fun. We basically ate the whole time (I am still no...