
Surgery is finally over! It felt soooo long because there was winter break in between but I am SO glad it is over. The clerkship director was nice enough to email us yesterday just to say we passed. I don’t know my raw score yet but I don’t even care! This means I can put away all my surgery books, cross off another rotation, and move on. Up next is Neurology. Neuro is only 4 weeks at my school so I’m a bit nervous about not having a lot of time to catch up/study. On the other hand, it will be nice to get through a rotation in half the amount of time it took to get through surgery. I think I lucked out with surgery because I never had to scrub for more then 3 hours and though I disliked a lot of the people, nobody was too abusive. I got out by 5pm most days and on weekends, I got out by 10am! It was amazing. I didn’t get to do as much as I thought though. I was 4 weeks in before I got to close a port site and only on the last day did I cut/extract lipomas and suture people ...