
Showing posts from June, 2016

How to get honors and ace the Shelf exams

Now that I am done with third year, I feel like I can share some wisdom on what to do for each rotation. Coming back from a 4 year leave of absence, I was definitely at a disadvantage knowledge-wise but I managed to honor 4/7 clerkships, high pass 2/7, and sadly only pass surgery. That said, I don't regret any of the resources I used and think anyone can get honors with the right mindset and the right study material. I hope some of you find this useful. General Advice You always have to try your best in clinic. It sucks when people ignore you or doesn't like you but swallow your pride and try to please them. At most schools, evals from your residents/attendings make up a good portion of your clerkship grade so do not overlook the importance of showing up early, being prepared, and being eager to learn. That said, don't play "the game". Go home when they tell you to go home. Don't try to outshine everyone around you. Instead, spend your free time at w...

Family Medicine

I did it! I am officially done with MSIII forever!!!! We just got our grades back for Family Medicine so now I can breath a sign of relief that I passed everything. YAY! Reflections: Things I liked: - The hours!!! My attending worked 6am-6pm because he liked to get in early and review his patient's charts. I only worked 8-5 but having nights and weekends is wonderful! - The breadth. I like seeing kids and adults Things I disliked - The monotony. It seemed like we saw the same things every day: diabetes diabetes diabetes! - The patients. I am sorry to say this but I learned I am just NOT interested in outpatient. I first thought this might be because I had been shadowing too much before so if I saw and worked up patients on my own, it would be more fun but I was wrong. I find it all really boring and tiring and I find it hard relating to patients who aren't really sick, who are not compliant with their meds, and who always just wants more meds. 

Hi World

Third year ended without much fan-fare....though there may have been some unattractive crying on my part the last 2 weeks because I hated family medicine so much. I don't even know what it was...burn out? boredom? apathy? Anyways, I didn't even work that hard and I just dreaded going to work every day. I would mentally tick off how many patients I had to see and by the end, I was ALWAYS exhausted. I don't know how family medicine doctors do it. The 15min sessions followed by patient care notes is exhausting. More on that later when I get my FM grade back and when I write my obligatory "likes" and "dislikes". What am I doing now you ask? Well....I am currently laying in bed at 3pm in my PJs. Yup you heard me right! I have free this summer! And by free I mean, I am studying for Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS, and then the GMAT. By the time I am done with all these tests, it will be the start of fall semester and I will be an official business student. Weird but e...