Dear Caila: 1.5 weeks in
Dear Caila, You are now 1.5 weeks old. You came into this world a stubborn little thing. We had a hard time getting to the pushing phase. I went in at 7am on Jan 1 2cm dilated and maybe progressed to 3cm on high-dose Pitocin by 8pm. But then, mommy got an epidural. Before I knew it, it was 5am and we were ready to push! I pushed you for 3 hours! It turns out you were not as small as we thought. I don’t know how to describe the shear pain, joy, and relief at the moment you came into this world. You were SO chubby! I still can’t believe I was able to push all 8lbs and 2.5 ozs of you out but here you are…..1.5 weeks later and sleeping soundly in your pack n play Oh darling, the last week has been some of the best and worst in my entire life. The stress, worry, and sleepless nights were juxtaposed by watching your sweet cheeks, curious eyes, and the love everyone has for you. Highlights include having your aunt Lilly around for a few days to help take care of us, watching your da...