
Showing posts from September, 2019

2 Years Old

Dear Caila, You are now 2 and a half and life with you cannot be better. My work has slowed down now that I am in occmed. I have regular work hours; allowing for nights and weekends with you. It is the best. I want to remember your silliness, your short temper, your fondness for dancing to “your music”. I want to soak up your curiosity, cuddles, and fondness for books/movies beyond your age. We just found out we are going to having another baby next Feb or March. I am excited about another baby and a sibling for you but will miss our alone time. 7 month is not nearly long enough for me to inhale all that is you but I am going to try. We have a trip planned in October to Disney and many more weekend adventures on the horizon. You may not be my last kid but you will always be my first. You are the one that taught me how to be a mother and for you, my heart will always have a special place. Much love Mom