
So I finally took the beast today and I guess it wasn't as epic as I though it would be. In my mind, it had been a life or death situation. I literally dreamed about it countless times last week. All in all, I have to say that I'm feeling pretty shitty right now. I just hope I passed and with a decent enough score to get into residency.

Yuck. I keep thinking about all the questions I missed. Things I should of known (and did at one point) like the difference between positive sensing and negative sensing RNAs etc. I "lucked" out with a ton of pelvic anatomy questions and a ton of repro questions but luckily, I had studied for repro using pathoma. I do think I failed every anatomy question's to praying that it all works out in the end...

I guess I have never felt good after standardized exams. I'm not particularly good at them...SAT gave me nightmares, MCATs made me least I didn't cry after the test today lol. My family laughs because I stress so much about these things but somehow, I've never been able to let it go. At least I have a month of blissful oblivion before the score comes out....wish me luck!

Doctors say that once you get into residency, the Step will seem inconsequential. I am sure they are right but in this moment, I have knots in my stomach because for the life of me, I still don't know what gives you circular forhead rashes and arthritis. At least the experience was humorous:

I decided (after taking a practice at the center) that it would be more economical to wear gym shorts without pockets so I didn't have to turn out my pockets each time I took a break (and I took 6). This resulted in me showing up looking like I wanted to workout...shorts, white T, pony, hairband, and all. The pometric ladies actually commented on how "comfortable" I look. Lol...I know I look like euphemisms needed. What made things even funnier is when my flipflop broke during my first break from sitting...SITTING! One minute they were fine and the next thing I knew, one was behind me as I started to walk back in to the testing room. So, I ended up not only looking like a slob the who time but a barefoot one at that!

On the bright side. It is done. I have cleaned up my desk, put away my books, and am now trying to enjoy some time off before I have to start work in the morning. If god willing, this will work out because damn, I studied hard for this!


  1. Hey "In Limbo Land",

    I randomly found your other blog, the one in which you posted your MD/PhD essay (random Google search), and basically read your posts and was delighted to find that you still are blogging as an MD/PhD student!
    I would love to connect more with you, exchange emails, or maybe just have you check out my blog (
    But, it'd be awesome if you send me an email at !

    your blogging is great, btw,
    keep it up!


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