
This is going to be a somewhat depressing entry on humanity and science. I think we all enter med school with notions like "we are going to help"...."we will save lives" etc. but to get there is somewhat of a struggle. Up to this point, we are supported by our parents, our peers and deep down, each of us believes we can do this....whether we want to be a doctor or engineer or any type of high functioning members of society. Yet it is ironic that as we advance, we start getting pushed down. It has been my observation that the weak get trampled. If you are not emotionally strong, a bit selfish, or a bit uncaring, comments from resident/attendings/PIs can really eat away at you. What hurts the most is not just going through this "higher education" system myself but also watching it destroy someone close to me. Do I say something? Do I stand by and do nothing because I've worked so hard to get to this point? I have resolved to say something but so far, courage has failed me. Yet on a daily basis, I am so consumed with hate towards my own weakness, I must do something soon. It is a pity that as you climb the academic ladder, inaction becomes more and more the norm and cruelty is tolerated with justification. I see now why there are a lot of smart people but only a few with integrity.


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