One of those days

You know those days when you get up and want to go straight back to bed? I just had one of those. I came to work and literally didn't want to do anything so I didn't. The great thing about research is that you can set your own time so I spend the morning planning my experiments for the rest of the week and filling out paperwork. Usually I HATE paperwork but since I didn't feel like moving (aka working), I sat at my desk all day. Some of the paperwork was necessary (ordering mice for future experiments, ordering reagents, encrypting my files), but some were just down right silly.

For some reason the school of medicine requires me to fill out a "leave of absence form" every year. They know exactly where I am and when I will be going back and yet, they insist on this meaningless piece of paper. To make matters worse, they also require that I meet with a financial adviser even though I don't need financial aid and have never taken out a single loan. After I meet with said financial adviser, I have to fill out another form saying that I had discussed xyz about my finances. Half a day later, I will have completed this meaningless ritual but since I wasn't going to do anything anyways, whatever.

Now, I that have sufficiently wasted my day, I'm going home :)


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