My First World Life
I know my blog has been fairly devoid of pictures lately but
since I dropped my camera into the greek ocean a few month back, I have been
stalling to buy a new one. Well…I finally purchased the canon sx280 from
Costco. It comes with a 90day return policy so I can have it for a few month to
make sure I like it.
I guess my impetus for finally making the jump is because I
have some big trips coming up and we went to southern Utah this past weekend.
The bf had a camera so we were fine but
I did feel a bit naked not documenting the trip. Speaking of southern Utah, we
had a great time. We left on Friday to get a camp site and found one near the
Island in the Sky area of Canyonlands (Horsetheif campground). We did a 6 mile
hike in Canyonlands Friday and then on Saturday, we explored the Needles area.
The bf hasn’t been before so it was fun showing him the area. We ended our trip
with a 3 mile hike to Deliciate Arch on Sunday then lunch at the Moab brewery.
Not bad: 3 days, 2 national parks, 25
OK…back to the camera. So I was hesitant to make the
purchase because I have been going on a spending spree lately and am fearful
that I won’t have enough for my December trips. I got a macbook air, a
longchamp le pliage bag, and a new winter coat. These are some fairly big
purchases and I love them all but you can see where the camera buying situation
got me concerned. Haha….first world problems.
In other news, I went to my second football game ever last
night. The bf had an extra ticket so we saw Utah play UCLA. I can’t say I love
football but I had a good time. The game was fairly close which made it
exciting. The only downside is that it is cold now and though it didn’t snow
till after the game ended (literally right after), I was still REALLY REALLY
Coming up this weekend…running, hiking, working (blah), and
maybe pumpkin carving J
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