Dear Caila 6 month
Dear Caila
You are now 6 months old and huge. You weight 19lbs and 6oz
so you are about 92 percentile for weight but your height is still average.
Your head circumference is in the 70th percentile. I am just astonished
by how big you’ve gotten. I still remember when we could lay you horizontally
in your crib! Now I have to stand on tiptoes just to put you in the crib
without your feet hitting the bars.
You can now roll back to belly and you do this weird shimmy thing
with your legs that allow you to spin around. Though I have enjoyed
breastfeeding you (somewhat), you are now too distracted to eat properly and I
find that my supply is just not what it use to be. This may be because I took 2
weekend trips away from you (one in May to go to Aunt Varsha’s bachelorette
party and another in June to attend her wedding). Anyways, we have transitioned
you to the bottle. I still pump for you and breastfeed you at night but you get
about 50% formula now. I sometimes miss breastfeeding though…especially the
part where you pull off just to smile up at me but I am about to start fourth
year rotations so this is probably for the best.
Next week, you will start going to your Aunty A’s house
during the day again. I have mixed feelings about this. I will be SO sad to
leave you but I am glad you are going to a safe/fun environment. July won’t be
so bad because I am starting on a light rotation (allowing me to be home with
you on weekends) but August will be really hard. Thankfully I will only have 3
month of hard rotations this year.
I have loved watching you grow and discover things these
past two months. Your babbling, random laughs, and funny faces brighten my day.
You LOVE bananas and peaches and have found your jumping legs. You also love
being tossed high in the air. Around 5 month, your reflux started to finally
resolve and you began to sleep better. We found that putting you on your
stomach and patting your to sleep works better and faster then bouncing or
rocking you. Nowadays, I can get you to sleep in 5min, which is a HUGE
improvement. I don’t even mind that you don’t sleep through the night yet.
As I write this, I am deeply nostalgic for little you.
Though we are happy watching you grow, it seems to be going by too fast. I know
in another 6 month you will be standing, perhaps talking a little, and maybe
even walking! I am just not ready for all that.
Stay little, stay innocent, stay mine ok?
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