I know I haven't written in awhile but I've been busy. Research picked up even more especially now that I am running things all on my own. The freedom is both nice and terrifying but at least I feel like there are people in my lab I can fall back on.
I'm slowly beginning to appreciate my PI. I think you can tell when your PI really cares...like the way they pimp you on basic questions knowing you will go through prelims in the spring or the way they never let you back down from your opinion. As he challenges me, I am becoming more confident in myself and things there were hard only weeks ago are no longer hard.
The hard part is juggling my person life. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks and I feel fat. Haha...I know most girls do from time to time but I just feel unhealthy. Most days, I don't leave lab till 9 or 10 and the only place open at that hour is McDonald's and other unhealthy fast food joints. I'm also dating someone which makes things even harder because I feel like I am usually too tired to give him my all. Little things annoy me and sometimes, even sleeping annoys me because I feel that I'm losing time.
Before you start thinking I'm depressed or something...please note that I did go out for dinner with friends and I had a good time. I do feel that I have my sensitivity under control at work but it is starting to leak out more around my friends. For instance, I have this really ugly driver's licence photo and normally, I don't mind showing it to friends because it elicits a good laugh but one of my friends showed it tonight without asking and I got upset. Probably unjustly so because it really wasn't her fault but sometimes I feel people to be inconsiderate and in the heat of the moment, I have trouble controlling the hurt...stupid sensitivity issues!
I determined, however, to do better tomorrow....going to go to the gym, get some lab work done, pick up my sister from the airport, go to dinner with the family, and just relax.
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