Last Month in Pictures

I had lab meeting this morning and it was an unpleasant experience like always. This time was even worse.... unbeknownst to me, the new mice I've been working with for the past week were all conditional knockouts made with an inducible cre (this basically means you have to inject something to knockout your gene of interest). Hence, I was rather embarrassed to find (during lab meeting) that I have been doing 10+ hour experiments on WT mice. Like Matt said....I now have a lot of negative controls. No wonder why I didn't find any differences between the controls and "supposed" knockouts. lol.

In other news, I have a few hurdles to overcome before the month is over (some fun and some not so fun). In chronological order:
re-write a rebuttle for a paper
go to moab with Ash (hopefully next weekend depending on how far I get with my journal club talk)
give said journal club talk to my department (eeek...another dreaded presentation and this time on c.elegan genetics!)
go to St. George to watch Lilly's robotic competition/spend time with my family
celebrate my birthday (fun!)
finish our bench-to-bedside competition stuff (more on this later)

Also, in reference to my post on humanities in science, you'll be happy to know that I did speak to my PI and things are getting better. I think he understands how much he wants and from time to time, he does check himself. I, however, need to be better at expressing my needs and generally, I should treat these next few years like an adventure. Afterall, I guess I'll still be a doctor if my project promised by the title, here is February in pictures :)

DEATH VALLEY/VEGAS with MudPhud Peeps!

Bear Lake with Med school friends!


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