
As I mentioned in my last post, I was gone this past weekend at the annual MD/PhD conference in Keystone, Colorado. Amongst the things I learned: the conference is really a mini-vacation and my school rocks! Needless to say, I had a GREAT time. We got some alcoholic beverages on the way down and had enough food/alcohol to feed an army. The resort we stayed at had a full kitchen, hot tubs (yes...pural), swimming pools, and double shower heads. I was in heaven.

The only hiccup was that I twisted my ankle the day before we had to leave (on a hike to sunset peak with my parents) so I was limping the entire conference. It's ok....I didn't really want to exercise during my mini-vacation anyways.

As for the conferance itself....not much to report. People were doing so many different kinds of research that it wasn't very helpful for me. The highlight was going to the breakout sessions where I learned tricks to writing a good grant and tricks to carrying out a good presentation. Unlike the rest of my colleagues from my school, I tried to meet other people but it was hard since they didn't seem interested in people outside of their own schools either. All well.

Coming back has been hard. I had two big experiments planned but one failed because our mice has pin worms. Gross. I am glad the week is almost over.


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