On Ending 2013

The holidays have officially come to an end and for the first time ever, I am feeling pretty sad about it. I blame it on having had too much fun.

This past week has been a good transition into the New Year. I had to work every day of the week except Wednesday so it was a good way to start myself back into the 5 day schedule. But what was better were the friends/family I got to see Wednesday and throughout the week.

On Monday night, Dave and I went out with his family to a fancy sushi place. Dave’s youngest brother just got engaged so it was a pseudo-engagement party with his and his fiance’s families. I got some yummy food and had a great time.

On Tuesday, Dave and I did our own thing. With the festivities, we haven’t had much time to ourselves so we went out to dinner (at red iguana….yum) and walked around Temple Square to see the lights. The Temple Square lights are something I remember from childhood with my family so it was really nice to share it with Dave. We ended the night at Kevin’s house for a New Year’s Party. We played some settlers of Catan (my first time playing) and at 11:59, we got out the champagne and watched the countdown. We went around and said what we wished for the new year. Dave was to meet more friends and mine was to travel to a new place (lol).

On New years, we split time between Dave’s family and mine. We went to Dave’s second uncles house for tacos and board games with his cousins then we went to my family’s dinner thing. My dad was going to do hot pot again but we ended up having baozi instead. It was SO SO good! Afterwards, Lilly, my mom, dave, and I played Ticket to Ride and Killing Dr. Lucky (think reverse clue). I think it is safe to say we started this year off right…with family and friends.

Thursday I had a lot to do at work so I was pooped when I got to Dave’s place. We made bruschetta and watched Harry Potter. I promptly fell asleep halfway through the movie.

Friday was more exciting. Work involved a new drug delivery project I am starting with a collaborator and in the evening, Dave treated his whole family to dinner at Ruby River. His youngest brother was flying out that night to New York for a new job so it was kindof a farewell dinner. Sad.

On Saturday, we had a farewell lunch for my sister. My parents bought crab and I ate lots. After, Dave and I dropped Lilly off at the airport and we bummed around barnes and noble before heading to Wendover in a Party bus with his older brother. For $20, you get a round-trip bus ticket to Wendover, a large buffet dinner, $5 back, and some free cocktail coupons. I played slots with $5 and got $5 back. Haha….heavy gambling is not in my DNA.

OK….for the week ahead, I am not looking forward to 5 days of work but am looking forward to getting back in the gym, going to the Sharing Place, going to book club, starting my MCAT class off right, my dad’s birthday, and getting my Sundance gear!

Oh....and as a side-note...I decided to keep a visual record of where I have been:


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