Science Fair, Book Club, and Current Obsession

So I realized I kindof missed a week but Sundance ended and I got sick with a gastroenterovirus. It was gross. Enough said.

Yesterday I judged the science fair at my old elementary school. First of all, it was weird being back there because everything looked so small and it made me feel like a giant. Second, the projects some of the kids did were amazing. Yes there was the usually egg drop and melting ice cream experiments but there were a few that really impressed me. On girl tested the hearing ability between humans and dogs. Another little boy looked at transpiration in leaves (I didn’t know that word till high school). He blocked moisture by coating different parts of leaves with lip blam then measured water absorption! The best project I saw was by a little boy who analyzed AC vs DC power source using long-exposure photography. I’m telling you that some of these kids are geniuses!

In other news, I just finishing reading Daughters of Mars for this month’s book club. I really enjoyed it except the alternate endings. I get what the author was trying to do but I like conclusive resolutions in my novels so that kind-of marred my opinion of the book. We’ll see what the rest of my book club says.

OK…current obsession: DOGS! I want one but am not sure about the commitment. I am kindof allergic to dogs so I am thinking anything doodle (or mixed with a poodle). Labradoodle and goldendoodles are high on my list. See how cute:


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