Peru, Paper, Stanford
I can’t believe it has been so long since I’ve updated. I
was doing good for awhile but then life happened.
Peru was amazing. Ash and I saw many animals in the wild and
to our delight, we even saw a jaguar! I especially loved the monkeys and the
colorful birds but the whole amazon experience was amazing. I only wished Dave
had been there too.
The second half of our trip was spent hiking to Machu
Picchu. There were some real highs…Salcantay mountain, making a wish to the
gods, and seeing macchu picchu. We went through the company Viajas Cuscos and
it was dirt cheap ($250 for 5 days 4 nights including meals and entrance to the
Macchu Picchu). However, the downside was we had to carry all our stuff the
fourth day and we felt there was some mistreatment going one with the
cooks/porters. We were shocked by how little everyone was tipping. I know the
entrance to Macchu Picchu alone is 150 so the last 100 dollars were split
between the guides (who probably got more), the 2 cooks, and the porter. That’s
like $20 for each of them if split evenly and some people couldn’t be bother to
tip more then $5 for the 5 days! I know a lot of the people in our group were
students but seriously!?!?! If you don’t have enough money to tip reasonably, I
don’t think you should be on the trip at all.
When I got back from Peru, I got my paper back and the
editors wanted a few minor changes. It took about a week but we got it in and
within 2 days, they accepted it! I am so happy because we were worried about
another paper that got published in April essentially scooping us. The editors
acknowledged the scope but since our paper was under review when that paper
came out, they still gave us the chance to publish it. I feel pretty lucky.
Now I am focusing on a second paper. I had a committee meeting
at the end of May and it looks like everyone is on board for me to be done next
year. Though these events all happened rather quickly, I feel very blessed to
have so much good news in such a sort amount of time.
Finally, last weekend Dave and I went to Lilly’s graduation
at Stanford. It was fun to hang out with her again and to get some yummy Chinese
food. I really liked the area and the weather. Now Lilly is in Hong Kong doing
an internship for the summer. Though I am sad she is not spending more time at
home with us, I am glad she is having fun and enjoying her life.
I probably won’t be updating this as much with all the
sunshine outside and my goal of squeezing every last drop of fun out of this
last PhD year but wow…I am so happy.
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