Monday Update
Happy Monday!

Since I don't have an exam for opthalmology and my next rotation is just research, I am currently studying for Medicine. To be honest, Internal Medicine rotation is the one rotation I am most nervous about because: 1) I want to do well, 2) it covers A LOT of material, and 3) I don't remember any of the material. To give you a sense of what its like, most third year medical students use a test bank called UWorld to study from. For Pediatrics, there was about 350 questions on UWorld, for psych, there was only about 150 questions, but for Internal Medicine, there is 1400 questions!!!! That's like 80% of the qbank or 80% of what I need to know this whole year and it is only an 8 week rotation. Hence the preemptive studying. Haha.
Some of you have asked me what I do to study and what I use. I am certainly no expert at this given that I haven't really studied in the last 4 years but currently, I am going through UWorld questions (40 questions per day), making flash cards, reviewing them every 2 days, and on weekends, I review all the flashcards from the whole week. Then, I sit down with my Step Up to Medicine it and annotate with stuff I picked up from UWorld that is not in the book. See system below:
I usually try to catch up on some sleep during the weekend so I get up around 9am then study from 10-6 or 7pm. Dave is sweet and will cook me lunch/make me cookies!!!
For those that truly know me, little things makes me really happy and recently, these pens, flashcards, and notebooks have been the highlight of my day! Speaking of am obsessed with highlighters and I realized yesterday I don't have a nice set so I ordered some form Amazon. The Zebra Mildliner Set from Japan specifically. I am so excited to receive them in the mail the next few days. I am also excited because I have been taking pictures of my clinic clothe and I hope to have some time this month to show you guys! Stay tuned.
OK. I am going to capitalize on having a few hours off to get through some studying! Hopefully nobody calls me and I can get the whole morning off! I am such a good medical student.
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