Dear Caila 3.5 years old

Dear Caila Bear,


You are now 3 and a half years old. Where has the time gone? In the last 3 months, we have watched you become a big sister. You love Ellie and you especially like to hug her and stroke her cheek. In turn, she also loves you. I am excited to see your relationship develop.


Since March, we have been sheltering at home from COVID. Though it has been hard being a stay at home parent, it has also been fun watching you grow. You have learned more letters and have really gotten good at imaginative play. It is amazing to see how independent you can be.  You love the movie totoro and are currently on a mulan song binge. You are a master at logical manipulation. Some memorable phrases:


“ When I’m done with dinner, I get a treat”

“ What are you eating? Open your mouth”

“Can we share?”

“Are you still sick mom? Can I have some of your drink?”

“When I’m bigger, you will buy me a big pink car”

“When I’m bigger, I will give this totoro to Ellie and you will buy me a big pink one”


Three is a great age. You can now go on the big potty by yourself, put on your own shoes/underwear/pants, go on longer walks, and use your words instead of throwing a tantrum (most of the time). I have enjoyed watching you play, going on walks with you, and reading you a gazillion stories. You have surprised me with your manual dexterity, new ability to color within the lines, and intellectual questions.


We love you lots and are lucky to continue watching you grow.



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