Dear Ellie 3 months

Dear Ellie Belly,


Sorry it has taken me so long to write you your first letter. You came into this world 4 days early. I was trying to make it to my final midterm but you had other thoughts. Given how long your sister took to come out, I figured we has time but your birth was fast and furious. I went into labor around 6pm the night of 2/24/20 and barely made it to the hospital in time for an epidural at 8:30pm. I pushed you out in 4 pushes and you beat your sister in weight by 1 oz.


Since coming home, you have been a great baby. We didn’t have the breastfeeding issues or the weight issues I had with your sister since I knew what I was doing this time. You did have a bit of jaundice and we suffered through the bili blanket for a few days but thankfully that has all resolved.


Around 1 month, we were having a really hard time burping you after feeds, You would cry and cry and your dad and I had to take turns holding you at night. We were all miserable. I was desperate and thought it might be the reflux bothering you so we thought about starting some medication but then a pediatrician friend suggested going dairy free. Well… you have been MUCH better since I went dairy free. You are happier and sleep better. In fact, while sheltering at home for the past 3 months, you have been pretty perfect. You love to sleep and can sleep from 10am-4/5pm! It was such a gift given how hard it’s been to be home with both you and your sister.


At 3 months, you are now needing less sleep and more time to play. Yesterday, you started giggling for the first time. You sometimes get distracted eating and will pull off to smile at me and you are now tracking your sister around the room. We are still struggling with your reflux…mainly that you need to be burped hours later but I know this will pass.


Today was the first day we sent you to daycare. I have to go back to work in a week so we are trying to get you acclimated but you are refusing the bottle. I have already gone over twice to feed you but I worry you will be so hungry when I can no longer come over. I really hope you learn to take a bottle soon. Anyways, thanks for coming into our lives and completing our family. We love you SO much and can’t wait to watch you grow up.





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