
I finished Ob/Gyn a little over a week ago and I have to say I liked it more than I thought.  I started on Ob and that first week was HARD. I could not read casefiles fast enough. All those acronyms…all those pregnant ladies and slimy babies really scared the hell out of me but it got better. Once I figured out what I was doing, how to read a strip, write a post-partum note, etc, I really started enjoying myself. The residents and attendings were all super nice so I think that alone alleviated my anxiety. The only thing I didn’t love was working with other medical students and since it is towards the end of third year, my patience is wearing thin.

It’s not that I hate the other students. I actually don’t mind them but in a work setting, it can be really stressful watching other people at your same level. It breeds unnecessary competition and stress. In addition, having three students on the service means less things to do for each of us which was great on days I really wanted to sit/study but not great in the fact that I didn’t think I got the most out of the experience.

After 2 weeks of Ob days, I went to Ob nights. It was a lot better. First, I was the only med student so I got to do everything but second, they just let you do more on nights. I sutured and delivered babies on my own (with the resident and attending present of course). I had to work on my birthday but it was great because I helped to bring forth new life! I thought Ob would make me not want to have babies but man…..can I just say epidurals are amazing!

Next up was GynOnc. Only 2 students per rotation gets to do GynOnc and it’s super intense but fun. I specifically requested it because I heard it was good learning and it was. I really enjoyed taking care of elderly women and I thought the surgeries were cool. Besides one bad experience on my first day where the attending accused me of poking a hole in the patient’s tissue with the suction, I really had a good time. My chief was super supportive and a great teacher and the other attendings were hilarious. I haven’t gotten grilled that hard all year but it really kept me on my toes.

I have to say that I kindof miss Obgyn. I don’t miss the 5am start times or the long hours but I do miss the people and the subject. Ok, par usual:

Things I liked
  • Delivering babies; it is cool watching the birth process first-hand
  • C-sections; these seemed brutal at first because the technique is NOT elegant but the whole procedure is fast and the end result if usually amazing
  • Watching patients bond with their babies
  • GynOnc; you can really help patients a lot and they are SO grateful. Most gyn cancers (with the exception of ovarian cancer) have low mortality rates so you get to follow the same patients for years after a surgery
  • Working with my hands; I learned I shake a lot when I am tired/hungry but I also learned tips/tricks to make it less noticeable

Things I disliked
  • The hours; I just don’t understand how working so much is good for anyone
  • The fact that if you subspecialize in Obgyn, you have to give up half the specialty. That’s a lot of training/years you put in to not use at all. Why can’t you pick either gyn or ob if you know you don’t want to ever do the other part? Like why is it important for gynecologist to know how to deliver babies?

Overall, if the hours were better, I would totally go into Ob/Gyn and probably subspecialize in Reproductive Endocrinology. I care a lot about female health and it would be gratifying to help bring babies into the world but blah….so much training.


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