Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So….I submitted my first paper last week and I haven’t heard anything yet! In the research world, this is good news because the sooner you hear, the more likely it is a rejection. I am super excited because I am proud of the paper and I am anxious to get a publication.

I am also excited because this week is a sort week! We are spending Thanksgiving with my family but the day after with Dave’s family. Being Asian, we don’t really buy into the pilgrim vs indian thing and hence, we will NOT be having turkey. I am fine with this because I don’t really like turkey anyways (except in deli sandwiches). Heck I don’t even like stuffing. Instead, my dad is making duck, tiger-eye meat balls (meat wrapped around egg so when you cut into it, it looks like a tiger eye), and other yummy chinese foods. Dave’s family is doing hot pot.

OK…not much else is happening so I’m going to go be thankful about life in general :) Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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